Visiting Sorors & Non-Financial Members

Welcome to the Visitors Portal for the Contra Costa Alumnae Chapter (CCAC) of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. Our chapter is comprised of a very diverse and distinguished group of women who are dedicated to empowering and educating the Contra Costa community. We currently hold virtual meetings, and some in-person meetings, on the third Saturday of each month beginning at 10:00 am unless otherwise stated.

Chapter Meetings are open to duly initiated members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. who are not on disciplinary action. In order to attend Chapter Meetings, we request that visiting Sorors submit the verification form below at least 48 hours before the meeting. Sorors who are not cleared before the virtual meeting will not be given access to the meeting. Sorors who wish to attend an in-person meeting must provide a copy of the documents listed below. Duly initiated members of the sorority are welcome to attend, provided they can show proof of membership.

Before entering the meeting, all visiting Sorors will need to check in at the Membership table and provide the following credentials before entering the meeting:     

Photo Identification

Membership Card (hard cory or electronic copy provided from the Member Portal) or Original Membership Certificate

If you do not have your membership card, original certificate, or your name has changed since the time of your initiation, please complete the Membership Verification form below. Upon completion of the form, please press the “Send” button so that we can complete the verification process.  

The attire for the chapter meeting is Delta business attire. Wearing denim of any color and line jackets of any kind or color is inappropriate for Chapter Meetings.

PLEASE NOTE: Individuals seeking membership in Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. will NOT be admitted into the chapter meeting.

Thank You for visiting our website and we look forward to seeing you! 

In Sisterhood,

Jeanetta Minix – President

Please complete the form below for visiting/non-financial Soror verification information. Thank You